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Cooking techniques 

We give you our advice and tips to master the cooking of your dishes, prepare healthy meals and save time in the kitchen.

Healthy cooking techniques

To prepare healthy meals, you can use healthy and basic cooking techniques. In fact, you can reduce your fat and calorie intake by using healthy cooking methods. This is one of the many things that contribute to weight loss. Here are some cooking methods to use to cook your food and have balanced, healthy meals:


If there is one cooking method that nutritionists recommend, it is steaming. Steaming, compared to other cooking techniques, allows you to retain all the nutrients in your food because it cooks everything evenly and gently, while retaining the flavor.

Steaming preserves the flavor and texture of food by placing it in a basket and cooking it without adding oil. Food does not warp or dry out as it would in an oven.

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You can bake fish, poultry, lean meats (without skin or fat), fruits and vegetables, as well as bread and pastries. To cook, place the dish in a pan or dish that will be surrounded by the hot, dry air of your oven.

Food can be cooked covered or uncovered. In most cases, baking does not require the addition of fat to the dish.

À l’étouffée

Sautéing (meats or onions) or browning (sauces) the item in a saucepan over low heat is the first step in the steaming process.

Then, simply boil the item gently in a small amount of water or broth.



Poaching, also known as English cooking, is the process of cooking where food is immersed in a boiling liquid such as water, broth, wine, etc. The nutrients in the meal are dispersed more evenly and the exchange of flavors with the liquid is limited.


A particularly simple culinary technique. To start, you need to heat up some oil or fat that you have put on a pan for example. Then, you just have to stir.

It is ideal for cooking small pieces of tender meat or vegetables, as well as cut potatoes or mushrooms. They are sautéed in a little butter at a very high temperature, without adding liquid or a lid.



You can use this cooking technique outdoors. A good barbecue brings people together and warms their hearts. Take out the grill and place thick slices of meat of less than 5 cm. The special thing about this cooking is that the meat cooks quickly.

The purpose of barbecuing is to cook the inside of the meat while browning the outside to taste.

How to cook vegetables to preserve their nutritional qualities?

Here are some practical tips:

  • When cooking, use the water from the vegetables instead of throwing it away. It contains vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat raw vegetables every day. They are the most concentrated in micronutrients.
  • When cooking potatoes, leave the skin on. They will keep their vitamins.
  • When cooking with water, use boiling water. The high temperature of the water helps the sugars on the surface to "coagulate", forming a barrier that prevents excessive transfer of micronutrients.
  • Vegetables that are "al dente" are preferable. Micronutrients will be better preserved if the cooking time is short.
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Tips to save time in the kitchen

Here are some cooking tips that will save you time and energy in the kitchen:


Tip for cooking potatoes in 5 minutes         

You don't have to overcook your potatoes to get them right. You can even prepare them in your microwave in just five minutes!

First, wash and peel your potatoes.

  • Cut them into thin slices,
  • drizzle them with olive oil,
  • season with salt and pepper,
  • Wrap them in cling film.

You can also use a personalized microwave cooking bag. Microwave for 4-5 minutes on high.

To test for doneness, prick the middle of your potatoes with a fork or the tip of a knife.

Tip for cooking pasta quickly

Boiling water in a kettle can save you a lot of time, whether you're cooking pasta or rice. The water boils in seconds. Just pour it into your kettle and throw in your pasta.


Techniques and tips for cooking chicken successfully

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Cooking chicken in the oven

Want a delicious, golden brown roast chicken? To do so:

  • Coat your chicken with oil or butter before cooking to allow it to color.
  • Pour a glass of water in the bottom of a large dish with your chicken.
  • Try to season your chicken before roasting it at 210°C or 180°C in a preheated oven.

It takes 30 minutes to cook 500g of chicken. However, if you want a tender chicken, baste it often during cooking.

Cooking chicken casserole

If you want to make a tagine or if you want the meat to be particularly delicate and moist, cooking chicken in a casserole is convenient. Because of the size of the containers, it is common to have to cut up the chicken ahead of time.

Cover with water and cook over low heat for an hour or more. If necessary, add more water. The chicken stays moist because of the gentle cooking.

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How do I know if the chicken is done?

Got a delicious baked chicken, but don't want to slice it every five minutes to see if it's ready to eat? Use this simple trick to check your chicken's doneness:

Insert a fork into the flesh of the chicken,

Look at the color of the liquid that comes out. If it's clear, it's well done!

How to bread a cutlet?

  • Eviter de mettre beaucoup de panure pour éviter qu’elle ne recueille trop de graisse et pour garantir une bonne finition dorée et croustillante.
  •  Avant de faire frire les escalopes panées, ne les entassez pas les unes sur les autres, car la panure pourrait se mouiller et se défaire pendant la cuisson.
  •  Les escalopes panées doivent idéalement être rôties dans du beurre saisissant qui atteint la moitié des escalopes. Faites tourner la viande plusieurs fois à l’extérieur de la poêle pendant la cuisson.
  •  La cuisson d’une escalope doit durer environ 4 minutes, tandis que celle d’un cordon bleu doit durer de 8 à 10 minutes.
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