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Easy everyday recipes

Are you short of recipe ideas for your everyday meals? Finding new recipe ideas is not always easy and eating the same thing every day can get boring. Ramitosfood offers you recipes for everyday meals that are quick and easy to prepare.

Quick and easy recipes for every day

Here are some simple recipes for your everyday meals:

Lasagne dish

There is nothing better than a good lasagna dish for everyday meals, you will please the whole family!

so make this recipe for homemade lasagne, with minced meat, tomato sauce and a creamy béchamel sauce, in just a few steps.


The cordon bleu

Cordon bleu is a popular and easy-to-make gourmet dish made from breaded chicken, turkey or veal, topped with ham and cheese. Just follow the steps in our recipe to make it every time.


Vegetable gratin

Vegetable gratin is very simple to make and practical for everyday meals. This gourmet dish is also economical as you can recycle your vegetables from the previous day and use them to make your gratin, add a sauce and cheese and bake.


Easy vegan recipes

More and more people are adopting a vegetarian diet for health reasons or for ethical reasons. Discover easy to prepare 100% vegetarian recipes for everyday use.

Préprez des recettes faciles à la maison grâce au concept de Quitoque.fr

Quitoque est une plateforme qui propose un concept très original. Vous y trouvez une multitude de recettes de cuisine selon vos goûts et vos préférences. Il vous suffit alors de choisir la ou les recettes que vous souhaitez en indiquant le nombre de personnes pour lesquelles vous voulez cuisiner. Ensuite, vous recevez un panier à domicile contenant tous les ingrédients qu’il vous faut afin de réaliser vos recettes. De plus, Quitoque propose des abonnements très intéressants à des prix attractifs.
