Easy recipes for a family feast
It's not always easy to know what to cook with your family and you can quickly get bored of classic dishes and recipes. Discover easy-to-make dishes and recipes that will appeal to young and old alike..
Idées recettes en famille
Voici quelques recettes faciles à réaliser pour des repas en famille :
Roast Chicken
Roast chicken is an ideal dish for parties or events, but it can also be prepared for a nice dinner. The recipe is based on a chicken seasoned with herbs and spices to add flavour and cooked in the oven or in a rotisserie.
Mimosa eggs
Mimosa eggs are an ideal starter dish. This recipe is very basic and always successful. It is prepared with hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise and cooked yolk, and other ingredients such as tuna or parsley can be added.
The Couscous
This is a traditional gastronomic dish that brings hearts together. Indeed, couscous is an ideal dish to enjoy with the family. Whether it is Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian or even Sicilian, there are a multitude of couscous recipes to share.
Family recipes
Potage, soup and velouté
There is nothing better than a good soup for a nice light family dinner. There are a multitude of vegetables and ingredients that can be made into soup, so the soup recipes are endless. There is a difference between soup, velouté and potage as in some cases cream is added at the end and in others egg yolks, for example. Discover our recipes for soups, veloutés and soups.