Home » Les sauces, fumets, gelées et beurre

Sauces, aromas, jellies and butters

Les sauces, fumets, gelées et beurres sont diverses, leurs recettes et dérivés sont multiples. On les utilise pour assaisonner, accompagner ou enrober différentes spécialités culinaires. Ils peuvent être servis froids ou chauds. Ils apportent aux plats gastronomiques des notes sucrées, salées, ou acidulées. Il existe plusieurs sortes et recettes de sauces : brunes, blanches, rouges… sans oublier les multitudes de recettes de fumets, bouillons et gelées qui accompagneront parfaitement vos plats.


Basic sauces are sauces that can be customised almost infinitely by introducing components such as herbs, spices, condiments, etc. They will be called "derivative sauces". They will be called "derivative sauces". A variety of sauces exist, however, they are generally classified into 3 categories: 

  • Brown sauce,
  • White sauce,
  • Sauce Rouge.

Let's find out what the specifics of these sauces are.

 Brown sauce

Brown gravy is also called gravy. It is prepared with meat or even vegetable juices, this delicious sauce is also made with flour or cornstarch, butter and herbs. Brown sauce is thick and quite rich. It is obtained after a certain amount of reduction. It is said to be a complex and very tasty sauce. It can be accompanied by caramelised onions, herbs and meat such as bacon.

How to make homemade brown sauce?

The classic brown sauce and first a roux, which is a combination of butter and flour that is gradually mixed with the cooking liquids of meat, poultry or vegetables. While the concoction is being mixed, the sauce is allowed to thicken.

The recipe for brown gravy is simple to make and requires few ingredients: meat cooking liquid, flour, butter. To obtain a sauce without lumps, the heated liquid must always be purified before generating the brown sauce.

White sauce

White sauce is one of the most basic sauces. In order to make this sauce, you must first prepare a roux and add white stock. If you add milk, you get a béchamel sauce, but if you add fresh cream, you get a supreme sauce.

The roux is made of melted butter to which flour is added, followed by the white stock. The classic seasoning for a white sauce is salt and pepper. All other white sauces (derivatives) have similar components, it is the fillings that differ: vegetables, mushrooms, spices, etc.

Red sauces                                 

Red sauce is very popular and widely used in all cuisines of the world. It is the basis of Italian cuisine. Its main component is the tomato, as it is this ingredient that gives it its special colour.

Red sauce can be seasoned in many different ways, and can also be made with seafood, as in the case of Nantua sauce. Tomato sauce is ideal for use with pasta or for making pizza, for example.


Compound butters

Butters are prepared in the kitchen to accompany culinary specialities such as meat, fish and shellfish. Butters add a lot of flavour and texture to different preparations.

To obtain a creamy compound butter, it is important to use a thick quality butter. Then it must be kneaded well and flavoured according to taste. Among the best known compound butters, there are :

  • Garlic butter,
  • Shallot Butter,
  • Anchovy butter,
  • Shrimp Butter, etc.



Fumes are prepared from the carcass of fish or shellfish, and vegetables such as leeks or seeds such as coriander or fennel can be added.

Fumet is often used in cooking to enhance the taste of soups, gourmet dishes and sauces. It is also a way to recycle in the kitchen, instead of throwing away the juicy and flavourful fish carcasses, cooks use them to make tasty fumets.

Aromatic broths

Aromatic broths are widely used in the kitchen, usually to prepare sauces, soups and other dishes.

Among the most frequently used broths in culinary recipes are vegetable and fish broths.

Dried ingredients such as sardines, bonito and mushrooms are used in Japanese cuisine to make Dashi broth.

Jellies and jellydishes

The jelly dish is ideal in summer, convenient to take on a picnic, delicious, fresh and light. Anything can be made into jelly:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • eggs, etc.

All you need is gelatine or agar-agar, patience because jellies need a considerable resting time of at least 6 hours and inventiveness to intoxicate your guests.